What is On-Net Fiber?

On-Net Fiber is where Chickadee Wireless has installed fiber internet to a multi-occupancy building. We use fiber or ethernet cabling to distribute internet throughout the building. This allows fast, dedicated, and extremely affordable internet to all occupants located in the On-Net building!

Want your building considered for On-Net Fiber? Give us a call 208-686-6329

Locations With On-Net Service Available:

Above the Chickadee Office – 915 Main Ave, St Maries, ID 83861

Blue Goose Apartments – 621 Main Ave, St Maries, ID 83861

Brickwall Apartments – 115 S 9th, St Maries, ID 83861

Pines Motel and Office Spaces – 1117 Main Ave, St Maries, ID 83861

Idaho Arms Apartments – 115 North 17th, St. Maries, ID 83861

Shepherd’s Building – 622 College Ave, St. Maries, ID 83861


On-Net Fiber Optic Internet Service

  • Up to 500mbps download speed

  • Up to 250mbps upload speed

  • No data cap

Monthly Cost: $80/Mo.

  • *At peak times internet speed may vary depending on network use.
  • *For best results, a hardline connection is recommended. 
  • *No partial month credits or refunds will be provided for previously billed service subscriptions.
  • *Late or missing payments will result in throttled speeds and eventual disconnection of service.